The Email Checker allows you to test the validity and reachability of an email address. The NsLookup tool allows you to provide a hostname and request one or more types of DNS records (e.g., A, NS, CNAME records). For other types of domain name records, use NsLookup. This tool returns only address (A) records. You can use this to help diagnose problems and see if the problem originates from the domain name server - if you cannot return a domain's records, you'll know where to begin troubleshooting! The DNS Lookup tool retrieves domain name records for the domain name that you provide.
We've been providing these free of charge for over twenty years, so don't hesitate to take advantage of any of these! If you want to know a bit more about these tools, read on. In the U.S., with the above units, it is not unitless.Are you a webmaster? IT guru? All-around geek? If so, we've got the networking tools you need to keep your networks in tip-top shape. It is commonly said that specific speed is unitless, but it normally is not.

When one pump is modeled from another, both pumps have the same specific speed. Is the specific speed of a pump unitless? The calculator below can used to calculate the specific speed: n – pump shaft rotational speed (rpm) q – flow rate (m 3/h, l/s, l/min, m 3/min, US gpm, British gpm) h = head rise (m, ft) How do I calculate the specific speed of the pump? Pump flow is taken at the largest impeller diameter For double suction impellers pump flow is divided by two. Values are taken at best efficiency point (BEP). Suction specific speed is: n in rpm Pump speed Q opt in m 3 /s Flow rate at ηmax

The SI unit for suction specific speed is rpm, its numerical number is established using the equation below. What is the SI unit for suction specific speed? The rotating frequency of the pump shaft therefore characterises a pump’s rotational speed (n). The unit used for rotational speed is s–1 (rev/s) pump speed is generally given in min–1 (rpm). V= Velocity in pump suction side (velocity in suction pipe is generally considered in range from 06 to 1.5m/s.A = Cross-section area of Pipe or (A=π/4 * D2).Typical Calculation of Pump Suction Intake Design How do you calculate pump suction velocity? cooling water pumps for power stations), however, are typically mated to slow-running electric drives that are very costly. Most pumps operate at rotational speeds between 10 rpm but frequently reach in excess of 6,000 rpm with special gearing and turbine drives. NSS is a dimensionless parameter that describes the relationship between the speed, the flow rate and the net positive suction head required (NPSHr) of the rotating impeller. Suction specific speed (NSS) can be thought of as one index or tool in a mix of several tools regarding impeller design. Specific speed is the speed (in RPM) a geometrically similar impeller would need to operate in order to deliver 1 L/s of fluid at a head of 1 m (US units : 1 USgal/min at a head of 1 ft). NSS is, in essence, a function proportional to the speed, pump flow rate and the NPSHr. NS is an indicator of the impeller geometry and discharge characteristics, while NSS is an indicator of impeller inlet geometry and suction characteristics. How do you calculate pump speed?Įxample – Specific Speed for a Pump with different units It is an important factor used in the design and selection of pumps and impellers. Specific Speed is a dimensionless rating of pump discharge performance derived from an equation involving shaft speed, flow rate and differential head at a pump’s Best Efficiency Point. What do you mean by specific speed of pump? In Imperial units it is defined as the speed in revolutions per minute at which a geometrically similar impeller would operate if it were of such a size as to deliver one gallon per minute against one foot of hydraulic head.Ĭoncept: The specific speed of a centrifugal pump is defined as the speed of a geometrically similar pump which would deliver one cubic metre of liquid per second against a head of one metre. Specific speed Ns, is used to characterize turbomachinery speed.