The active Spotify Connect device (the one playing music) broadcasts its status to all other Connect devices on an account, in order to show now-playing track data on other clients. It connects to Spotify as a fully-fledged Spotify Connect device. Spotify-connect-scrobbler is built on top (more accurately, is a fork of) of Paul Lietar's librespot project, an open-source Spotify Connect implementation in Rust. -name - Sets the Spotify Connect device name (defaults to 'Scrobbler'), this name is visible in the Spotify Connect device chooser in Spotify clients.It is strongly recommended that you turn off Last.fm integration in any Spotify client where it is enabled (Desktop & Mobile apps). The service will sit in the background and log all Spotify tracks played from any Connect enabled client to the given Last.fm account. target/debug/spotify-connect-scrobbler -spotify-username -spotify-password -lastfm-username -lastfm-password -lastfm-api-key -lastfm-api-secret
Skip songs lastfm scrobbler short notifications plus#
To use spotify-connect-scrobbler have your Spotify username & password, your Last.fm username & password, plus a Last.fm API key and API secret to hand.Ĭlone the repo,have Rust installed ( v1.18 minimum required) build with Cargo ( cargo build).

It uses Spotify Connect to allow you to log music played on any Spotify device, including those which do not have any Last.fm support (such as Amazon Echo). Spotify-connect-scrobbler is a Last.fm music logging ("scrobbling") service for Spotify. This is left here for posterity as it's one of my favourite hacks.

Scrobbling now happens on Spotify's servers, rather than the client, so all Connect devices can now scrobble. This project deprecated since Spotify changed the way their Last.fm integration works.