IMAGE = I’ve not used yet but think YES/NO if software should look for matching EXIF data VOX = geo-referenced file name of voice recording PDOP = seen in test logging range of 1.1 to 3.2 VALID = DGPS (differential) or SPS (standard) HEADING = degrees, 1 to 360, 0 being stationaryįIX MODE = settable in setup, 2D or 3D, shows achieved 2D or 3D SPEED = settable in setup, kph or mph (whole number no decimal) TIME = hour minute second, 24hr, Ex: 100031 = 31 secs past 10AMĪLTITUDE = settable in setup, meters or feet (whole number no decimal) TAG = for correlation of voice record or photo?ĭATE = year month day, Ex: 090130 = Jan 30,09 INDEX = sequential number for points generated in track CSV format with column headers in following order: When the recorded data is downloaded from unit it is in.
Included are a) Time Zone b) Ground or Airborne logging c) Standard or Professional Data Sets d) Over speed alert 30Kph to 300Kph e) Spy Tracking, ON/OFF & Interval f) Kph or Mph g) Feet or Meters h) Track Points to be based on Distance or Time. The software generates a Config.txt file which is loaded onto the MicroSD card (Max capacity 2G). The software is supplied in order to provide some basic communication with the Columbus V-900 Data Logger and to allow integration of voice recordings and photos. I also spent a bit of time going over the “Time Album” software supplied with the Columbus V-900, V1.5.4 I have spent another day playing with GPSBabel as you suggested but i don’t think my cause has advanced much.

or provide the URL of a file on the Web: Google Earth: To convert files to KML/KMZ for Google Earth, you might want to try GPS Visualizer's Google Earth input form, which has more options than GPSBabel. (My GPS file converter can also read human-created plain-text input files more easily than GPSBabel.) GPS Visualizer's utility has these advantages: a simpler interface the ability to add estimated elevation (via SRTM and USGS data), speed, course, slope, and/or distance fields and CSV or tab-delimited text output which is more user-friendly than GPSBabel's. NOTE: For many input formats - including GPX, OziExplorer, LOC, Garmin Forerunner, Cetus GPS, IGC, and more (including some that GPSBabel can't read, like NetStumbler binary files) - you can also convert your GPS files to plain text, GPX, or Google Earth KML with GPS Visualizer's conversion tool.

Of course, you can't use this page to communicate with your GPS receiver - and a few of GPSBabel's more advanced options (filters and custom XCSV files) aren't included.
You can download it and run it on almost any computer, but its command-line interface requires some getting used to - so I've created this on-line gateway that lets you access a copy of gpsbabel running on. GPSBabel is a freeware program that converts GPS data from one format to another. No ads? No problem! You can support GPS Visualizer by making a donation with PayPal instead.Įnglish Dutch French German Italian Norwegian Portuguese Spanish